JOHN 14 :1  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In the light of  above scripture, Jesus said that we not let our heart to be troubled,but there is no way your heart cannot be troubled when it doesn’t have Jesus.Having said that,Jesus went on to say that we should believe in the God and in Him.This means that if you give your heart to Jesus and believe in Him,your heart will not be troubled.

It is so sad that our churches today are filled with people that don’t believe in God.People that are in church for reasons and not for God.My brother,my sister and my fellow friends,the period of time you have been going to church doesn’t count if your heart still doesn’t have Jesus.We are living in times where even Christians look troubled.

Proverbs 4:23 says we should guard our hearts,and not just guard,but guard it with all diligence.Why? Because  from it flows springs of life.Now the question is, how possibly can the springs of life flow from within your heart when it is troubled. People nowadays want to free themselves from all their burdens and trouble before they come to Jesus,but Jesus say: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.You cannot find rest that you you need on your own.The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who will give you rest that you need.

Remember,Jesus said ‘LET NOT’ your heart be troubled.Meaning you have an option,its all up to you to LET IT or to LET NOT. Take Jesus today and find peace,love and joy.




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